(330) 725-4968       Our School

November-December 2016

 The Navigator

Our parish newsletter, The Navigator, is published every other month and mailed to every registered household. Through the stories and photographs included in the full-color newsletter, we aim to show how the people of St. Francis Xavier Parish are striving to live out their call to discipleship by using their time, talent and treasure to spread the Gospel. Through accounts of our parishioners’ prayer and worship, Scripture study, education of our children and adults, assistance to the poor and downtrodden, and more, we hope these stories and photos help to share the Good News of Jesus Christ that is alive in the hearts of our parishioners and inspire readers to greater discipleship.

Because the newsletter is mailed to everyone, we hope that it informs and engages those in our community who aren’t able to come to Mass. Know that you are missed, and we pray for the day when you are able to join us!

If you have a story to share, or want to lend a hand with a future issue, please contact Jennifer Webb, our parish director of ministry and communication, at 330-764-8946 or [email protected].