Commitment Card – 2020
Did you know that contributing in some way to our parish is not just “helping out”? As disciples, we have a need to give back to God a portion of our time, talent and treasure in gratitude for all God has given us. We are not merely consumers of those gifts. God has hardwired us with a desire to share what we have with others, to make the world a better place and to help bring about the Kingdom of God here on Earth.
Each year, we invite parishioners to prayerfully consider how much of their time, talent and treasure they return to God.
We also ask parishioners to consider other opportunities for their spiritual growth and development, involvement in parish ministries and other parish needs, as well as the money they contribute.
We will conduct our 2020 Stewardship Commitment campaign in February 2020, but there is no wrong time to complete this assessment and return a commitment card to the parish offices. We are eager to connect you with others in the parish who can help you and your gifts grow and complement those of others.