(330) 725-4968       Our School

Train to be an altar server

Are you an altar server at St. Francis Xavier? Would you like to return to altar serving? Would you like to become an altar server, or are you not sure?

Serving as an Altar Server at Mass is an important and holy way to join your prayers with helping out the priests, deacons and our parish family celebrate the Eucharist! Plus, you get to learn about our faith and can earn service hours!

Any interested children in our parish who are in fifth grade through 12th grade, are invited to attend one of the following dates for Altar Server Training:


  • Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6 to 8 p.m.; or
  • Friday, Sept. 27, 6 to 8 p.m.


  • 6 p.m. Pizza in the Randel House (9/24) or Church Basement (9/27)
  • 6:30 p.m. Altar server training in the Church
  • 7:30 p.m. Ice cream!

For current/experienced servers, we will review in more detail the steps of setting up (and clearing off) the altar, using incense and lighting candles. For new servers we will walk through all the important steps, from vocabulary, to vesting and preparation, processions, holding the book (Missal) and serving at the altar during the different parts of the Mass.
Feel free to bring a friend who might be interested in learning about serving at Mass! High school students are welcome!


In order to be an altar server you must be a baptized Catholic and had First Communion (or are in preparation for First Communion) and attend server training sessions. Your family must be willing to bring you to church for weekend Masses and use our parish Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) application on their phone or the Internet.


God bless,

Father John
Deacon Bob
Deacon Mark Tomecko

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