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I believe in God…

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The Creed in ScriptureWe recite a Creed together every Sunday, but have you ever stopped to consider that what looks ordinary to us now was revolutionary to the people first saying it? They were making bold claims about this new thing called Christianity to set themselves apart from the world. Join us on Tuesday, March 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Xavier Room to learn more about how the Creed came to be and why professing it each week is an audacious and binding act of faith.

Our speaker is Joan Cahalan, who has a master’s degree in biblical, historical and theological studies from Ashland Theological Seminary and is a wealth of knowledge about early Christianity. She is the same speaker who elaborated on last year’s study about the feasts of Judaism, when more than 60 people attended to learn more. We look forward to her insights again this year!

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