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Donate blood March 6

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Lifeshare bloodmobileSt. Francis Xavier Parish will hold its next blood donation drive on Sunday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A mobile collection vehicle will be parked next to the school, and donors should stop inside the parish office first to register.

video screen

Middle-school students check out the newest video information center installed recently in the gym entrance, thanks to a $500 grant from LifeShare.

Your donation of blood helps people in our community, helps our parish education efforts, and helps you! For every 25 donations, our parish is eligible for a $500 grant from LifeShare. So far, we have earned three grants, which have been used to purchase a laptop computer, video information center for the entrance to the gym, and a Nikon D7100 HDSLR camera.

You also benefit directly from your donations via the Loyal for Life Donor Rewards Club. You can earn a prepaid Visa card with amounts that vary based upon the number of times you donate.

To participate, simply stop in the parish office on Sunday, March 6, with your ID or LifeShare donor card. You also may register on the LifeShare website to make an online appointment for our blood drive, and go to the front of the line! Go to www.lifeshare.cc and click on “Sign Up” in the top right corner of the pageLifeShare logo to find our blood drive and select the time you wish to give.  Adults and teens 17 and older may give; 16-year-olds may download a permission slip on the website which can be signed by a parent authorizing a donation.



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