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It’s Stewardship Commitment Renewal Weekend! Let’s Journey Together

We are grateful for all of you who so willingly share your time, talent and treasure with our parish and community to build God’s Kingdom here and now. Stewardship renewal is an annual occurrence — part of the rhythm of parish life at all parishes, including St. Francis Xavier. Just as the Church proposes a time of spiritual renewal each Lent, we believe in the importance of a yearly examination of commitment. When a parish emphasizes stewardship, it isn’t primarily to increase “volunteerism” or to swell the budget. Rather, the first aim of a stewardship parish is always the “good of the giver.” It’s not because the parish has needs, but because we have a need to give. In the end, the model steward is Jesus, who indeed gave all, even His very life, so that we may have everything.

Is the Lord asking you to give more time, talent, or treasure to St. Francis Xavier Parish this year?

After prayerful discernment of where God is calling you this year, please complete the commitment card that was inside your January-February issue of our parish newsletter, the Navigator. We will have a few extras in the pews the weekend of Feb. 22-23, when they will be collected during Mass. (Cards also may be dropped off at the parish office.) Or, you may CLICK HERE to complete the card online. All adults and teens are asked to complete an annual commitment card.

The gift of my time, talent and treasure is the right size:
• When I can no longer make an excuse for the size of the gift (large or small).
• When I can honestly state that the gift is sacrificial as I offer it in thanksgiving to God.
• When I can honestly state that, in the giving of my gift, I am being honest with God and with myself.

Thank you for all the ways you live a stewardship way of life!

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